Sweet Edible Playdough

Sweet is an understatement!

I wanted to introduce Jax to playdough, but I wasn’t sure if he would try to eat it. I looked online, and most edible recipes involved peanut butter – something we haven’t added to his diet yet. I finally found one made with powdered sugar. Way more sugar than I’d want him to eat, but I planned to teach him to keep it out of his mouth.

Turns out, he thinks it is way too sweet to eat anyway! We had fun playing with it, but it gets a little sticky in warm toddler hands after a while.

Here’s the process:

2 thoughts on “Sweet Edible Playdough

  1. Joanna

    Sounds like fondant! I used to make marshmallow fondant that had a play dough consistency, but I think it’s way too yummy to make play dough out of. I would eat it all.


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