Gearing up for Jax’s big day tomorrow… He turns 2!

Things have been crazy here! I’ve been doing my normal job (30 hrs/wk of graphic design work), a freelance job and starting party prep for Jax’s 2nd birthday party next Sunday. I may not get sewing time this coming week, but I hope to get a couple quiet book patterns up soon.
I’ll keep the Facebook page updated as to if I get a chance to sew!
I think it will work out best to do weekly iPhone photo dumps on Saturdays. Fridays are so busy with me trying to get in enough work hours for the week, so it is hard to blog regularly.
Life is happily busy right now. Jax turns two on February 5th and I am deep in party prep for his sushi-themed bash. I am painting paper lanterns and folding hundreds of tiny origami cranes! Hopefully I can also get some quiet book sewing in, but forgive me if I don’t get a pattern up before the party!
I have a project I hope to post tomorrow, but I haven’t gotten to work on it today. We got home from errands and the baby has been passed out on me ever since! Tired, growing boy!
Psst! Have you entered to win my hand-sewn quiet book?
You have until Thursday at noon!
I got behind in my monthly Instagram dumps, so I have a ton to post! I’m thinking I may just start posting them on Fridays. So here is everything up until around last Friday…
Are you on Instagram? I enjoy photos from other crafty mamas. You can follow me at the username punquin.
1. Take time to smell the flowers. Nothing is so important you can’t pause to spend 5 minutes with your loved ones.
2. I don’t feel anywhere near as old as I am. That’s a good thing, right?
3. I’m really good at leaving sippy cups behind.
5. I still hate making phone calls for work, but I’m getting better at it.
6. It’s hard not having family close by. I’m a little jealous of those that do, but I’m grateful for what I have.
7. I don’t think I could ever kiss my sweet son enough.
8. I’m not as nervous about flying with a little one now that I’ve done it.
9. I can change a diaper super fast. Even when that baby is running away from me!
10. Bubbles are amazing when you’re one.
11. I’m more materialistic than I’d like to be. When I lose a favorite thing, it really pains me.
12. It doesn’t need batteries or licensed characters to be fun. This wooden kiddie car has been in our family 100 years. Jax adores it!
13. I’m actually glad that co-sleeping keeps me from turning the tv on in bed. I barely watch tv anymore, and I don’t mind. I read instead! Also, toddlers fill an entire king-size bed.
14. Sitting quietly in a morning sunbeam can brighten your whole day.
15. I need to make more friends.
16. Nightly toddler baths may take up my evenings, but I know I’ll miss them when they’re gone.
17. I’m pretty sure I won’t have the time or money to do all the creative projects in my head until Jax is off on his own. I’m trying to find a balance.
18. I hate cilantro. It tastes like day-old garbage to me. But I might be broken.
20. I’m trying to practice cooking more, but I’m really not good at it. Probably because I grew up with just my dad and his very limited culinary skills. But, I do love to bake! Let’s live off cookies!
21. I run errands when I’m lonely for adult interaction.
22. I’m really going to miss nursing when Jax weans. It exhausts me at times, but I couldn’t feel more bonded to him.
23. It’s weird and amazing when your child starts to talk.
24. I didn’t feel like myself in the months my hair wasn’t in braids. I chopped it all off to start fresh then hid it under hats until it was long enough to braid again.
25. I’m not sure anyone lives more in the moment than an almost-2-year-old.
26. I am always wishing I could buy myself new clothes and accessories, but I buy Jax clothes instead. After all, he’s the one constantly growing.
27. My baby loves “sushi”! (He eats miso soup soaked rice with heaps of tofu, crab sticks and edamame.) If you ask him what he wants for dinner, the answer is always “sushi”!
28. Aim high. Higher than you think you can reach. You may surprise yourself.
29. Time speeds up when you are a mom.
30. I wish I had more time to clean and organize during the times I am full of energy. I find it satisfying. I used to offer to clean friend’s rooms growing up.
31. Dogs are expensive. Benny’s current ear infection will likely cost us $1k we can’t afford. It’s a doozy.
32. I’m a little overwhelmed but the tantrums that are beginning to happen. But I try hard not to let them frazzle me.
33. Acknowledge and respect your children when they have something to say – even when they are just starting to talk. I was hushed often as a child and I realize now it hurt.
34. I love the iPhone I got this year. I don’t miss my Droid a single bit. And now that my whole side of the family has either iPhones or iPads, Jax gets to do FaceTime with them.
35. Make some time to get messy and creative. I always feel better after creating something beautiful.
We’ve been practicing drinking from open-top cups in the bathtub where he can spill all he wants. But, silly baby decided it’s easier to drink straight from the tap!
Jax currently uses straw sippy cups. He’s still fond of dumping liquids at the first chance he gets. How did you transition your toddler to regular cups?
We took a weekend road trip to Long Island, NY – with a day trip to Manhattan on the train. Very hot, but lots of fun! To see more photos and read more about our trip, check out my personal blog.